• Ankr Gaming
  • Unreal SDK
  • Setting Up
  • Unreal Engine v5


The following instructions are based on Monterey v12.3.1.

Get Ready

  • Ensure you have the latest version of Xcode.
  • Download the Epic Games Launcher to access the Unreal Engine. Download
  • Install Unreal Engine v5. Download

STEP ONE - Add v5 Unreal Engine

  1. Open Epic Games Launcher and view all versions of the Unreal Engine you have.

  2. Click Library and the + button to add the v5 version


    If you find that the + button is greyed out, then do the following:

    a. Sign out

    b. Then from the login box, scroll to the bottom and click Sign in Later.


    c. Inside Epic Games Launcher, select Library > + > v5

    d. Now Sign in as usual

  3. You can now click to install v5. (This takes some time)

  4. Launch v5 (Be patient, this can take a little while)


    If a pop up appears: "Do you want the app UnrealEditor.app to accept incoming network connections" Select Allow


STEP TWO - Create a new project

  1. Inside the Unreal Project Browser, select the Games tab and Blank

  2. Under Project Defaults, select C++

  3. Deselect Starter Content

  4. Give your project a memorable name e.g. BlockchainGame and then click Create

  5. Check if your project is successfully created and opens. Then close it. Now we can do the next important step of adding the SDK.

    create folder

STEP THREE - Download Ankr SDK

  1. Download the latest release of AnkrSDK.zip package.

  2. Create a new folder (if it doesn't already exist) inside the project you just created and call it Plugins.

  3. Extract the downloaded AnkrSDK.zip contents into the Plugins folder you just created.

  4. Delete the AnkrSDK.zip file (if it is inside the Plugins folder).

create folder

STEP FOUR - Generate the Xcode project


These docs are written using Xcode 13.1

  1. Open Unreal Editor

  2. If you get a notice saying "Missing BlockchainGame Modules Ankr SDK". Select Yes to rebuild.

  3. It should now compile the project.

  4. Once the project is compiled, select Tools > Generate Xcode project

  5. When this is done, select Tools > Open Xcode

STEP FIVE - Build project

  1. Inside Xcode, you should be able to see the AnkrSDK included in the Plugins folder.

  2. Expand Games > your_unreal_project__name > Source > your_unreal_project_name > your_unreal_project_name.Build.cs

  • Add "AnkrSDK" at the end of the string array as shown below:
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "AnkrSDK" });
  1. Now from the top menu, select Product > Build For > running

  2. You can view the Build status in the top right.

  3. You know everything has worked out when a message appears stating 'Build Succeeded'.

STEP SIX - Project opens in Unreal Editor

  1. Locate GameInstance.h if already created. If not Add C++ class from Content Browser, check Show All Classes and select GameInstance. Name your class 'MyGameInstance'.

  2. Open MyGameInstance.h and include the following code:

      #include "AnkrClient.h"
       UAnkrClient* ankrClient;
       UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "ANKR SDK")
       UAnkrClient* GetAnkrClient();
  3. Open MyGameInstance.cpp and include the following code:

     UAnkrClient* UMyGameInstance::GetAnkrClient()
       if (ankrClient == nullptr)
          ankrClient = NewObject<UAnkrClient>();
       return ankrClient;
  4. You can now add and use all the functions from the Ankr SDK in your game.


    Nice work!! You're all set to go

Windows 10

The following instructions are based on Windows 10.

Get Ready

  • Ensure you have the latest version of Visual Studio
  • Download the Epic Games Launcher to access the Unreal Engine. Download
  • Install Unreal Engine v5 Download

STEP ONE - Add v5 Unreal Engine

  1. Open Epic Games Launcher and view all versions of the Unreal Engine you have.

  2. Click Library and the + button to add the v5 version

    If you find that the + button is greyed out, then do the following:

    a. Sign out b. Then from the login box, scroll to the bottom and click 'Sign in Later'. c. Inside Epic Games Launcher > Library > + > v5 d. Now Sign in as usual

  3. You can now click to install v5 (This takes some time)

  4. Launch v5 (Be patient, this can take a little while)


If a pop up appears: "Do you want the app UnrealEditor.app to accept incoming network connections" Select Allow

STEP TWO - Create a new project

  1. Inside the Unreal Project Browser, select the Games tab and Blank

  2. Under Project Defaults, select C++

  3. Deselect Starter Content

  4. Give your project a memorable name e.g. BlockchainGame and then click Create

  5. Check your project opens and then close it. So we can do the next important step of adding the SDK.

STEP THREE - Download Ankr SDK

  1. Download the latest release of AnkrSDK.zip package.

  2. Create a new folder inside the project you just created and call it Plugins.

  3. Extract the downloaded AnkrSDK.zip contents into the Plugins folder you just created.

  4. Delete the AnkrSDK.zip file if is inside the Plugins folder.

STEP FOUR - Generate a Visual Studio Project

  1. Open Unreal Editor

  2. If you get a notice saying "Missing your_unreal_project_name Modules Ankr SDK". Select Yes to rebuild.

  3. It should now compile the project.

  4. From the top menu, select Tools > Generate Visual Studio Project

  5. When this is done, select Tools > Open Visual Studio Project

STEP FIVE - Build project

Inside Visual Studio project

  1. Add AnkrSDK to your_unreal_project_name > Source > your_unreal_project_name > your_unreal_project_name.Build.cs as shown below:

    PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "AnkrSDK" });
  2. Generate a Visual Studio Project by right-clicking Your_unreal_project_name.uproject' and selecting Generate Visual Studio project files

  3. Open the generated Visual Studio solution file (.sln) and check if the plugin is included in the solution explorer.

STEP SIX - Project opens in Unreal Editor

  1. Locate GameInstance.h if already created. If not Add C++ class from Content Browser, check Show All Classes and select GameInstance. Name your class 'MyGameInstance'.

  2. Open MyGameInstance.h and include the following code:

       #include "AnkrClient.h"
       UAnkrClient* ankrClient;
       UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "ANKR SDK")
       UAnkrClient* GetAnkrClient();
  3. Open MyGameInstance.cpp and include the following code:

    UAnkrClient* UMyGameInstance::GetAnkrClient()
       if (ankrClient == nullptr)
          ankrClient = NewObject<UAnkrClient>();
       return ankrClient;
  4. You can now add and use all the functions from the Ankr SDK in your game.


    Nice work!! You're all set to go

Last updated on September 12, 2022