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  • Advanced APIs/SDKs
  • NFT Methods

NFT API Methods

NFT API Methods serve to request NFT-related data across multiple chains.


Gets a list of NFTs (ERC721/ERC1155/ENS/POAP) associated with an account specified. A request could be further narrowed and filtered using the corresponding request body parameters.



  • id (int64; required): a request ID (example: 1).

  • jsonrpc (string; required): a JSON RPC spec used (example: 2.0).

  • method (string; required): a method used for the request.

  • params (object): the data object containing request body parameters:

    • walletAddress (string; required): an account address to query for NFTs; supports the Ethereum Name Service (ENS).
    • blockchain (string): a chain or a combination of chains to query:
      • Single chain: eth, bsc, fantom, avalanche, polygon, arbitrum, syscoin, optimism.
      • Chains combination: [eth, polygon, bsc].
      • All chains: leave the value empty to query all the chains available.
    • pageSize (integer): a number of results you'd like to get (default=10, max=50).
    • pageToken (string): a token is provided at the end of the response body and can be referenced in the request to fetch the next page.
    • filter (key-value): Filters your request by either of the following:
      • Smart contract address ("0xd8682bfa6918b0174f287b888e765b9a1b4dc9c3": [] ) — retrieves all NFTs from the address.
      • Smart contract address and NFT ID ("0xd8682bfa6918b0174f287b888e765b9a1b4dc9c3": ["8937"]) — retrieves a particular NFT specified.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getNFTsByOwner",
    "params": {
        "blockchain": "eth",
        "filter": [
          "additionalProp1": [
          "additionalProp2": [
          "additionalProp3": [
        "walletAddress": "0x40a8396b83f84e8380f5fee85cd746fe14cb7330",
        "pageSize": 1,
        "pageToken": ""
    "id": 1
Content-Type: application/json


The response contains all the NFTs that belong to the account address specified by request parameters.


A successful response contains the following parameters:

  • id (int64; required):

  • jsonrpc (string; required):

  • result (object): the data object containing a list of NFT assets and their metadata:

    • blockchain (string; required): one of the supported chains (eth, bsc, fantom, avalanche, polygon, arbitrum, syscoin, optimism).

    • collectionName (string): a collection name the NFT asset belongs to.

    • contractAddress (string): an NFT collection's EVM-compatible contract address.

    • contractType (int32): a type of the contract — either ERC721 or ERC1155.

    • name (string): a name of the NFT asset.

    • tokenId (string): an ID of the NFT asset.

    • imageUrl (string): a URL that points to the actual digital file, usually an IPFS link.

    • symbol (string): a symbol of the NFT asset.

    • traits (array): an attribute of the NFT asset.

      • trait_type (string): a trait's descriptive name.
      • value (string): a value description.

Code Examples


curl --location --request POST 'https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getNFTsByOwner",
    "params": {
        "blockchain": ["eth"],
        "walletAddress": "0x0E11A192d574b342C51be9e306694C41547185DD",
        "pageSize": 2,
        "pageToken": "",
        "filter": [
                "0x700b4b9f39bb1faf5d0d16a20488f2733550bff4": []
                "0xd8682bfa6918b0174f287b888e765b9a1b4dc9c3": ["8937"]
    "id": 1


Code: 200 OK

  "error": {},
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "assets": [
        "blockchain": "string",
        "collectionName": "string",
        "contractAddress": "string",
        "contractType": 0,
        "imageUrl": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "quantity": "string",
        "symbol": "string",
        "tokenId": "string",
        "tokenUrl": "string",
        "traits": [
            "bunny_id": "string",
            "count": 0,
            "display_type": "string",
            "frequency": "string",
            "mp_score": "string",
            "rarity": "string",
            "trait_type": "string",
            "value": "string"
    "nextPageToken": "string",
    "owner": "string"
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "owner": "0x0e11a192d574b342c51be9e306694c41547185dd",
    "assets": [
        "blockchain": "eth",
        "name": "Happy Bunny #555",
        "tokenId": "555",
        "imageUrl": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSRkmEDKWUeHi5FiNpQUBAcCq7rKinhf5Pbu8ZPZNkP8r/555",
        "collectionName": "Happy Bunnies",
        "symbol": "BUNNY",
        "contractType": "ERC721",
        "contractAddress": "0x700b4b9f39bb1faf5d0d16a20488f2733550bff4",
        "traits": [
            "trait_type": "Background",
            "value": "Green Background"
            "trait_type": "Body",
            "value": "Black Pearl Necklace"
            "trait_type": "Eyes",
            "value": "Sad Eyes"
            "trait_type": "Face",
            "value": "Right Ear Band"
            "trait_type": "Mouth",
            "value": "Small Smile"
            "trait_type": "Skin",
            "value": "Pink"
        "blockchain": "eth",
        "name": "Happy Bunny #6907",
        "tokenId": "6907",
        "imageUrl": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSRkmEDKWUeHi5FiNpQUBAcCq7rKinhf5Pbu8ZPZNkP8r/6907",
        "collectionName": "Happy Bunnies",
        "symbol": "BUNNY",
        "contractType": "ERC721",
        "contractAddress": "0x700b4b9f39bb1faf5d0d16a20488f2733550bff4",
        "traits": [
            "trait_type": "Background",
            "value": "Light Blue Background"
            "trait_type": "Body",
            "value": "Pirate Tanktop"
            "trait_type": "Eyes",
            "value": "Small Point Eyes"
            "trait_type": "Face",
            "value": "Light Blue Cap"
            "trait_type": "Mouth",
            "value": "Annoyed Mouth"
            "trait_type": "Skin",
            "value": "Yellow"
        "blockchain": "eth",
        "name": "Moon Boyz #8937",
        "tokenId": "8937",
        "imageUrl": "https://moon-boyz-api-do.com/metadata/8937",
        "collectionName": "The Moon Boyz",
        "symbol": "MOONBOYZ",
        "contractType": "ERC721",
        "contractAddress": "0xd8682bfa6918b0174f287b888e765b9a1b4dc9c3",
        "traits": [
            "trait_type": "Background",
            "value": "Graphic Moon"
            "trait_type": "Suits",
            "value": "Body Suit Iridescent Purple"
            "trait_type": "Lines",
            "value": "Lines Suit Blue"
            "trait_type": "Pocket",
            "value": "Pocket Silver"
            "trait_type": "Helmet Close",
            "value": "Rare Irdiescent Dark Blue"
            "trait_type": "Ear",
            "value": "Lightning Red"
            "trait_type": "Visor",
            "value": "Black"
            "trait_type": "Hologram",
            "value": "Original Heart"
    "nextPageToken": "BjxaEQyvWry96Z7VXNrffspsVkXZ8PXkMEc8epttW3Jn8JvEx2mF25WLU2cndjitQE4iDiECmMpVBwfPQ8b9hVabmBXipuN6y3gqzgWUbCCWAR2Lv99dF4QgbcANVeaqs7hGDAo"


Gets NFT metadata (ERC721/ERC1155/ENS/POAP) associated with a specific NFT. A request could be further narrowed using the corresponding request body parameters.



  • id (int64; required): a request ID (example: 1).

  • jsonrpc (string; required): a JSON RPC spec used (example: 2.0).

  • method (string; required): a method used for the request.

  • params (object): the data object containing request body parameters.

    • blockchain (string; required): one of the supported chains (eth, bsc, fantom, avalanche, polygon, arbitrum, syscoin, optimism).
    • contractAddress (string): a contract address of the NFT the metadata belongs to; supports the Ethereum Name Service (ENS).
    • tokenId (integer): a token ID of the NFT the metadata belongs to.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getNFTMetadata",
    "params": {
        "blockchain": "avalanche",
        "contractAddress": "0x8d01c8ee82e581e55c02117a676b5bbd4734fabb",
        "tokenId": "23240"
    "id": 1
Content-Type: application/json


A successful request returns, along with the general parameters, the result object containing metadata info on the NFT specified by request parameters.


  • id (int64; required): a request ID (example: 1).

  • jsonrpc (string; required): a JSON RPC spec used (example: 2.0).

  • result (object): the data object containing the NFT metadata and NFT attributes:

    • metadata (object): the data object containing the NFT metadata:

      • blockchain (string; required): one of the supported chains (eth, bsc, fantom, avalanche, polygon, arbitrum, syscoin, optimism).
      • contractAddress (string): a contract address of the NFT Collection; supports the Ethereum Name Service (ENS).
      • contractType (string): a contract type of the NFT the metadata belongs to (example: ERC721, ERC1155).
      • tokenId (string): a token ID of the NFT the metadata belongs to (example: 7822).
    • attributes: an object containing additional information on the NFT:

      • contractType (string): a contract type of the NFT the metadata belongs to (example: ERC721, ERC1155).
      • tokenUrl (string): a URL that points to the place storing an NFT's metadata (example: https://live---metadata-5covpqijaa-uc.a.run.app/metadata/7822)
      • imageUrl (string): a URL that points to the actual digital file, usually an IPFS link (example: https://live---metadata-5covpqijaa-uc.a.run.app/images/7822)
      • name (string): a name of the token (example: Rock 23240).
      • description (string): a description of the NFT (example: A very angry NFT bird).
      • traits: an array of pre-defined NFT traits:
        • trait_type (string): a specific type of traits (example: Eyes).
        • value (string): a specific value of traits (example: Angry).

Code Examples


curl --location --request POST 'https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getNFTMetadata",
    "params": {
        "blockchain": "avalanche",
        "contractAddress": "0x8d01c8ee82e581e55c02117a676b5bbd4734fabb",
        "tokenId": "23240"
    "id": 1


Code: 200 OK

  "error": {},
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "attributes": {
      "contractType": 0,
      "description": "string",
      "imageUrl": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "tokenUrl": "string",
      "traits": [
          "bunny_id": "string",
          "count": 0,
          "display_type": "string",
          "frequency": "string",
          "mp_score": "string",
          "rarity": "string",
          "trait_type": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "metadata": {
      "blockchain": "string",
      "collectionName": "string",
      "collectionSymbol": "string",
      "contractAddress": "string",
      "contractType": 0,
      "tokenId": "string"
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {
        "metadata": {
            "blockchain": "avalanche",
            "contractAddress": "0x8d01c8ee82e581e55c02117a676b5bbd4734fabb",
            "tokenId": "23240",
            "contractType": "ERC721"
        "attributes": {
            "tokenUrl": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYen4cGUc3gF9UQnCycq2AADYLYzoM6mvVzoajAXTr7vH/rock23240.json",
            "imageUrl": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmPktcEDiRD9qNwc497mwQkJ3zYFQtHwFooPLkgDdRqU4R/23240.png",
            "name": "Rock 23240",
            "description": "Rock #23240, can be used to play Rock Game",
            "traits": [
                    "trait_type": "face",
                    "value": "Brown"
                    "trait_type": "nose",
                    "value": "Regular Nose"
                    "trait_type": "mouth",
                    "value": "Chinstrap"
                    "trait_type": "eyes",
                    "value": "Big Shades"
                    "trait_type": "hair",
                    "value": "Stringy Hair"
                    "trait_type": "accessories",
                    "value": "Earring"
            "contractType": "ERC721"


Gets holders of the NFT specified by request body parameters.


  • id (int64; required): a request ID (example: 1).

  • jsonrpc (string; required): a JSON RPC spec used (example: 2.0).

  • method (string; required): a method used for the request.

  • params (object): the data object containing request body parameters.

    • blockchain (string; required): either of the supported blockchains (eth, bsc, fantom, avalanche, polygon, arbitrum, syscoin, optimism).
    • contractAddress (string): a contract address of the NFT Collection; supports the Ethereum Name Service (ENS).
    • pageSize (integer): a number of results you'd like to get.
    • pageToken (string): a token is provided at the end of the response body and can be referenced in the request to fetch the next page.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getNFTHolders",
    "params": {
        "blockchain": "arbitrum",
        "contractAddress": "0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88",
        "pageSize": 10000,
        "pageToken": "string"
    "id": 1
Content-Type: application/json


A successful request returns a list of holders for the NFT specified.


  • id (int64; required): a request ID (example: 1).
  • jsonrpc (string; required): a JSON RPC spec used (example: 2.0).
  • result (object): the data object containing a holder of the NFT specified by request parameters:
    • holder (string): a list of holders.
    • nextPageToken (string): a token is provided at the end of the response body and can be referenced in the request to fetch the next page.

Code Examples


curl --location --request POST 'https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: {{KEY}} \
--data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getNFTHolders",
    "params": {
        "blockchain": "arbitrum",
        "contractAddress": "0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88",
        "pageSize": 10,
        "pageToken": ""
    "id": 1


Code: 200 OK

  "error": {},
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "holders": [
    "nextPageToken": "string"
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {
        "holders": [
        "nextPageToken": "CA9QXqcwG5vQJxibSKdvTFikDeCznM8nzB5PCHNdGjaG1cajS9XdDh2nGALCfcyNqTspvpqPPEtVV4s"