• Ankr Build
  • Products
  • Advanced APIs/SDKs
  • Query Methods

Query API Methods

Query API Methods serve to request info on the ranges of blocks (max range is 100) for a full list of block metadata.


Gets full information for the block specified by request parameters.



  • id (int64; required): a request ID (example: 1).

  • jsonrpc (string; required): a JSON RPC spec used (example: 2.0).

  • method (string; required): a method used for the request.

  • params (object): the data object containing request body parameters:

    • blockchain (string; required): either of the supported chains (eth, bsc, fantom, avalanche, polygon, arbitrum, syscoin, optimism).
    • decodeLogs (boolean): set to true to decode logs, or to false if you don't need this kind of info.
    • decodeTxData (boolean): set to true to decode transaction data, or to false if not interested in it.
    • descOrder (boolean): choose data order, either descending (if true) or ascending (if false).
    • fromBlock (uint64): the first block of the range.
    • toBlock (uint64): the last block included in the range.
    • includeLogs (boolean): set to true to include logs, or to false to exclude them. Note that logs are stored inside transactions, so make sure the following parameter is also set to true if you'd like to include logs.
    • includeTxs (boolean): set to true to include transactions, or to false to exclude them.
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "ankr_getBlocks",
  "params": {
    "blockchain": "string",
    "decodeLogs": true,
    "decodeTxData": true,
    "descOrder": true,
    "fromBlock": 0,
    "includeLogs": true,
    "includeTxs": true,
    "toBlock": 0
Content-Type: application/json



See the response parameters' data model in Swagger.

Code Examples


curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "ankr_getBlocks",
  "params": {
    "blockchain": "string",
    "decodeLogs": true,
    "decodeTxData": true,
    "descOrder": true,
    "fromBlock": 9509443,
    "includeLogs": true,
    "includeTxs": true,
    "toBlock": 9509444


Code: 200 OK

  "error": {},
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "blocks": [
        "blockchain": "string",
        "difficulty": "string",
        "extraData": "string",
        "gasLimit": "string",
        "gasUsed": "string",
        "hash": "string",
        "logsBloom": "string",
        "miner": "string",
        "mixHash": "string",
        "nonce": "string",
        "number": "string",
        "parentHash": "string",
        "receiptsRoot": "string",
        "sha3Uncles": "string",
        "size": "string",
        "stateRoot": "string",
        "timestamp": "string",
        "totalDifficulty": "string",
        "transactions": [
            "blockHash": "string",
            "blockNumber": "string",
            "blockchain": "string",
            "contractAddress": "string",
            "cumulativeGasUsed": "string",
            "from": "string",
            "gas": "string",
            "gasPrice": "string",
            "gasUsed": "string",
            "hash": "string",
            "input": "string",
            "logs": [
                "address": "string",
                "blockHash": "string",
                "blockNumber": "string",
                "data": "string",
                "event": {
                  "anonymous": true,
                  "id": "string",
                  "inputs": [
                      "indexed": true,
                      "name": "string",
                      "size": 0,
                      "type": "string",
                      "valueDecoded": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "signature": "string",
                  "string": "string",
                  "verified": true
                "logIndex": "string",
                "removed": true,
                "topics": [
                "transactionHash": "string",
                "transactionIndex": "string"
            "logsBloom": "string",
            "method": {
              "id": "string",
              "inputs": [
                  "name": "string",
                  "size": 0,
                  "type": "string",
                  "valueDecoded": "string"
              "name": "string",
              "signature": "string",
              "string": "string",
              "verified": true
            "nonce": "string",
            "r": "string",
            "s": "string",
            "status": "string",
            "timestamp": "string",
            "to": "string",
            "transactionHash": "string",
            "transactionIndex": "string",
            "type": "string",
            "v": "string",
            "value": "string"
        "transactionsRoot": "string",
        "uncles": [


Gets history data for the blocks specified by request parameters.



  • id (int64; required): a request ID (example: 1).

  • jsonrpc (string; required): a JSON RPC spec used (example: 2.0).

  • method (string; required): a method used for the request.

  • params (object): the data object containing request body parameters:

    • blockchain (string): a chain or a combination of chains to query:
      • Single chain: eth, bsc, fantom, avalanche, polygon, arbitrum, syscoin, optimism.
      • Chains combination: [eth, polygon, bsc].
      • All chains: leave the value empty to query all the chains available.
    • decodeLogs (boolean): set to true to decode logs, or to false if you don't need this kind of info.
    • descOrder (boolean): choose data order, either descending (if true) or ascending (if false).
    • fromBlock (string): the first block of the range.
    • fromTimestamp (uint64): the first timestamp of the range.
    • pageSize (string): a number of results you'd like to get.
    • pageToken (string): a token is provided at the end of the response body and can be referenced in the request to fetch the next page.
    • toBlock (string): the last block included in the range.
    • toTimestamp (uint64): the last timestamp of the range.
    • address (uint8): an address of the contract created the logs.
    • topics (uint8): the data the log contains.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getLogs",
    "params": {
        "blockchain": "eth",
        "fromBlock": "0xdaf6b1", 
        "toBlock": 14350010,
        "address": ["0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2"],
        "topics": [
    "id": 1
Content-Type: application/json



See the response parameters' data model in Swagger.

Code Examples


curl --location --request POST 'https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getLogs",
    "params": {
        "blockchain": "eth",
        "fromBlock": "0xdaf6b1", // hex, decimal, "earliest", "latest" are supported
        "toBlock": 14350010, // hex, decimal, "earliest", "latest" are supported
        "address": ["0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2"], // hex or array of hexes are supported
        "topics": [
    "id": 1


Code: 200 OK

  "error": {},
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "logs": [
        "address": "string",
        "blockHash": "string",
        "blockNumber": "string",
        "data": "string",
        "event": {
          "anonymous": true,
          "id": "string",
          "inputs": [
              "indexed": true,
              "name": "string",
              "size": 0,
              "type": "string",
              "valueDecoded": "string"
          "name": "string",
          "signature": "string",
          "string": "string",
          "verified": true
        "logIndex": "string",
        "removed": true,
        "topics": [
        "transactionHash": "string",
        "transactionIndex": "string"
    "nextPageToken": "string"
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "logs": [
        "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
        "topics": [
        "data": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006ce16d63d3e98d5",
        "blockNumber": "0xdaf6b1",
        "transactionHash": "0xa00481485db1092529a3502bd8027e0a85a7eff1ecc17d4adae5b38a2ba33ba1",
        "transactionIndex": "0x1",
        "blockHash": "0xdd6a92a8d1436f97e6d3c33154805156b92b59f2cfef3f3fa390ba49643f09e8",
        "logIndex": "0x0",
        "removed": false
        "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
        "topics": [
        "data": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006ce16d63d3e98d5",
        "blockNumber": "0xdaf6b1",
        "transactionHash": "0xa00481485db1092529a3502bd8027e0a85a7eff1ecc17d4adae5b38a2ba33ba1",
        "transactionIndex": "0x1",
        "blockHash": "0xdd6a92a8d1436f97e6d3c33154805156b92b59f2cfef3f3fa390ba49643f09e8",
        "logIndex": "0x2",
        "removed": false
        "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
        "topics": [
        "data": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081e9d8d247e8a1d",
        "blockNumber": "0xdaf6b3",
        "transactionHash": "0x9b196e7b81c1aeed1c2bbe3d65c411a6eaecc21ddf5bd7c34141e88577384d4d",
        "transactionIndex": "0x3",
        "blockHash": "0xa48f22823710329ad512e3ffc0378a2cc15abda153af23dd6361d58ab190cdb1",
        "logIndex": "0x22",
        "removed": false


Returns transaction details for a transaction specified by hash.



  • id (int64; required): a request ID (example: 1).

  • jsonrpc (string; required): a JSON RPC spec used (example: 2.0).

  • method (string; required): a method used for the request.

  • params (object): the data object containing request body parameters:

    • transactionHash (string): a hash of the transactions you'd like to request the details for.
    • decodeLogs (boolean): set to true to decode logs, or to false if you don't need this kind of info.
    • decodeTxData (boolean): set to true to decode transaction data, or to false if not interested in it.
    • includeLogs (boolean): set to true to include logs, or to false to exclude them.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getTransactionsByHash",
    "params": {
        "transactionHash": "0x82c13aaac6f0b6471afb94a3a64ae89d45baa3608ad397621dbb0d847f51196f",
        "decodeLogs": true,
        "decodeTxData": true
    "id": 1
Content-Type: application/json


Returns all transactions' metadata for the hash specified in request body.


See the response parameters' data model in Swagger.

Code Examples


curl --location -g --request POST 'https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ankr_getTransactionsByHash",
    "params": {
        "transactionHash": "0x82c13aaac6f0b6471afb94a3a64ae89d45baa3608ad397621dbb0d847f51196f",
        "decodeLogs": true,
        "decodeTxData": true
    "id": 1


Code: 200 OK

  "error": {},
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "transactions": [
        "blockHash": "string",
        "blockNumber": "string",
        "blockchain": "string",
        "contractAddress": "string",
        "cumulativeGasUsed": "string",
        "from": "string",
        "gas": "string",
        "gasPrice": "string",
        "gasUsed": "string",
        "hash": "string",
        "input": "string",
        "logs": [
            "address": "string",
            "blockHash": "string",
            "blockNumber": "string",
            "data": "string",
            "event": {
              "anonymous": true,
              "id": "string",
              "inputs": [
                  "indexed": true,
                  "name": "string",
                  "size": 0,
                  "type": "string",
                  "valueDecoded": "string"
              "name": "string",
              "signature": "string",
              "string": "string",
              "verified": true
            "logIndex": "string",
            "removed": true,
            "topics": [
            "transactionHash": "string",
            "transactionIndex": "string"
        "logsBloom": "string",
        "method": {
          "id": "string",
          "inputs": [
              "name": "string",
              "size": 0,
              "type": "string",
              "valueDecoded": "string"
          "name": "string",
          "signature": "string",
          "string": "string",
          "verified": true
        "nonce": "string",
        "r": "string",
        "s": "string",
        "status": "string",
        "timestamp": "string",
        "to": "string",
        "transactionHash": "string",
        "transactionIndex": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "v": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {
        "transactions": [
                "v": "0x94",
                "r": "0xc3adcd90cbf2ef2870c0b7b5497e3c8a5757aadcc152ec1156804082c3269451",
                "s": "0x1c12681bee4a75a7514f4251bcb4a0243bfc70de998f5c77d87aedc56bce85fc",
                "nonce": "0x1615d",
                "from": "0x64aa6f93e0e1f49ff4958990c40d4bf17dafc0eb",
                "gas": "0x5cc60",
                "gasPrice": "0x1c3802ec80",
                "input": "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",
                "blockNumber": "0xd02cf7",
                "to": "0x98767abab06e45a181ab73ae4cd0fecd0fbd0cd0",
                "transactionIndex": "0x0",
                "blockHash": "0x7c4b9b19b521795a0a99c925d4a03079aca26f14cb7bc1400d0183a5adf56ac1",
                "value": "0x0",
                "type": "0x0",
                "contractAddress": null,
                "cumulativeGasUsed": "0x176b2",
                "gasUsed": "0x176b2",
                "logs": [
                        "address": "0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c",
                        "topics": [
                        "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000047e678c2df911bc30",
                        "blockNumber": "0xd02cf7",
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                        "transactionIndex": "0x0",
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                        "removed": false,
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                            "name": "Transfer",
                            "inputs": [
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                                    "type": "address",
                                    "indexed": true,
                                    "size": 20,
                                    "valueDecoded": "0x98767abab06e45a181Ab73AE4cD0FeCd0FBD0cD0"
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                                    "type": "address",
                                    "indexed": true,
                                    "size": 20,
                                    "valueDecoded": "0x58F876857a02D6762E0101bb5C46A8c1ED44Dc16"
                                    "name": "_value",
                                    "type": "uint256",
                                    "indexed": false,
                                    "size": 256,
                                    "valueDecoded": "82895379195298430000"
                            "anonymous": false,
                            "string": "event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value)",
                            "signature": "Transfer(address,address,uint256)",
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                        "topics": [
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                                    "size": 256,
                                    "valueDecoded": "42432180015750915169756"
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                        "topics": [
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                            "string": "event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value)",
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                "logsBloom": "0x0",
                "transactionHash": "0x82c13aaac6f0b6471afb94a3a64ae89d45baa3608ad397621dbb0d847f51196f",
                "hash": "0x82c13aaac6f0b6471afb94a3a64ae89d45baa3608ad397621dbb0d847f51196f",
                "status": "0x1",
                "blockchain": "bsc",
                "timestamp": "0x61c09887",
                "method": {
                    "name": "",
                    "inputs": [],
                    "string": "",
                    "signature": "",
                    "id": "",
                    "verified": false