• Ankr Gaming
  • Unity SDK
  • Overview

Ankr Unity SDK

The Ankr Gaming Unity SDK provides a powerful toolkit for Game Developers and Studios to easily interact with Web3 and create an amazing gaming experience.


Key features

  1. Create best-in-class NFT monetization strategies.
  2. Effortlessly interact with contracts deployed on multiple blockchains.
  3. Easily connect Web3 wallets (MetaMask) to authenticate and enable in-game transactions.
  4. In-built kit to create responsive games on Android and iOS.
  5. Add blockchain interactivity to existing games.

Supported platforms

ANKR Unity SDK supports Android, iOS, WebGL, and Standalone platforms.

  1. Android and iOS builds are using a deep link to connect with your wallet, such as MetaMask.

  2. WebGL uses its own unique implementation because it uses a web browser plugin to connect to blockchain.

  3. A standalone build requires scanning a QR Code to connect with your wallet, such as MetaMask. QR Code is generated by our SDK using the same composed ConnectURL.

SDK tutorials

Community support

Check out Ankr Game channels in the Ankr Discord.

Example integration

Last updated on September 12, 2022