A class for SDK instance creation.
Static methods
Method | Description |
GetAnkrSDKInstance | Creates an instance of SDK with a given argument. |
Method | Description |
networkName | An enum containing a network name. |
Parameter | Description |
IAnkrSDK | An instance of SDK provider. |
Creates an SDK instance by a given provider URL or network name.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Data;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class CreateSDKExample : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
var ankrSDKByProvider = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
// or
var ankrSDKByNetwork = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance(NetworkName.Ethereum);
IAnkrSDK GetAnkrSDKInstance(string providerURI)
IAnkrSDK GetAnkrSDKInstance(NetworkName networkName)
Parameter | Description |
providerURI | A string containing an RPC endpoint. |
AnkrSDKWrapper provides support for all platform-dependent features. Implements IAnkrSDK.
Parameter | Description |
NetworkHelper | Provides an INetworkHelper instance. |
Eth | Provides an IEthHandler instance. |
Public methods
Method | Description |
GetContract | Makes an instance of a contract to interact with a smart contract. |
CreateSubscriber | Makes subscribers for the real-time contract event subscriptions. |
Disconnect | Closes a connection with the wallet. |
IContract GetContract(string contractAddress, string contractABI)
Parameter | Description |
contractAddress | A string containing a contract address. |
contractABI | A string containing an application binary interface (ABI) of a contract. |
Parameter | Description |
IContract | Returns an instance of Contract class. |
Provides an instance of a contract with a platform-dependant provider.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class ContractExample : MonoBehaviour
private IContract _contract;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_contract = ankrSDK.GetContract("0x...","...");
IContractEventSubscriber CreateSubscriber(string wsUrl)
Parameter | Description |
wsUrl | A string containing an RPC WebSocket endpoint. |
Parameter | Description |
IContractEventSubscriber | Returns an instance of subscriber class. |
Provides an instance of subscriber to make contract event subscriptions. See more on Events and subscriptions.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Data;
using AnkrSDK.DTO;
using AnkrSDK.Examples.ERC20Example;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using AnkrSDK.UseCases;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AnkrSDK.EventListenerExample
public class EventListenerExample : UseCase
private IContractEventSubscriber _eventSubscriber;
private IContractEventSubscription _subscription;
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance(ERC20ContractInformation.HttpProviderURL);
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
_eventSubscriber = ankrSDK.CreateSubscriber(ERC20ContractInformation.WsProviderURL);
_eventSubscriber.OnOpenHandler += UniTask.Action(SubscribeWithRequest);
// If you know topic position then you can use EventFilterData
public async UniTaskVoid SubscribeWithTopics()
var filters = new EventFilterData
FilterTopic2 = new object[] { await _eth.GetDefaultAccount() }
_subscription = await _eventSubscriber.Subscribe(
(TransferEventDTO t) => ReceiveEvent(t)
// If you know only topic name then you can use EventFilterRequest
public async UniTaskVoid SubscribeWithRequest()
var filtersRequest = new EventFilterRequest<TransferEventDTO>();
filtersRequest.AddTopic("To", await _eth.GetDefaultAccount());
_subscription = await _eventSubscriber.Subscribe(
private void ReceiveEvent(TransferEventDTO contractEvent)
Debug.Log($"{contractEvent.From} - {contractEvent.To} - {contractEvent.Value}");
public void Unsubscribe()
private void OnDestroy()
UniTask Disconnect(bool waitForNewSession)
Parameter | Description |
waitForNewSession | If true (by default), a connection will be reestablished after disconnect. If false, connection will be closed immediately. |
Removes a wallet connection.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class DisconnectExample : MonoBehaviour
private IAnkrSDK _sdk;
private void Start()
_sdk = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
private void OnDisable()
A class containing the methods for making transactions, estimating transactions fee, and getting data on that.
Public methods
Method | Description |
GetDefaultAccount | Returns the address of the account currently logged in via the third-party wallet. |
GetBalance | Get the balance of an address. |
GetBlockNumber | Returns the current block number. |
GetTransaction | Returns a Transaction from the given transaction hash. |
GetTransactionReceipt | Returns a TransactionReceipt for the given transaction hash. |
GetTransactionCount | Get the number of transactions in a given block. |
GetBlockWithTransactions | Returns a block with transactions matching the block number or block hash. |
GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes | Returns a block with transactions hashes matching the block number or block hash. |
EstimateGas | Returns the estimated gas cost. |
Sign | Signs data using a specific account address. |
SendTransaction | Sends a transaction to the network. |
Task<string> GetDefaultAccount()
Parameter | Description |
string | A string containing an account address. |
The method returns address that your wallet provided. There is no way to change it from SDK because it has a pair private key stored in your wallet. To change a default address, open your wallet and change it manually.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public class GetAddressExample : MonoBehaviour
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
public async UniTaskVoid GetAddress()
var address = await _eth.GetDefaultAccount();
Task<BigInteger> GetBalance(string address)
Parameter | Description |
address | An account address. The method returns the default account's balance if the parameter hasn't been given. |
Parameter | Description |
BigInteger | An account balance in WEI. |
Gets an address's balance in ETH currency.
The method returns balance info in WEI units. To convert balance into other units, use Web3.Convert.
To find more info on the currency units, have a look at the Currency Units section.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.Util;
using Nethereum.Web3;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
public class GetBalanceExample : MonoBehaviour
private IAnkrSDK _ankrSDKWrapper;
private void Start()
_ankrSDKWrapper = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("https://...");
public async void GetBalance()
var balanceInWei = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBalance();
var etherAmount = Web3.Convert.FromWei(balanceInWei);
var gweiAmount = Web3.Convert.FromWei(balanceInWei, UnitConversion.EthUnit.Gwei);
Task<BigInteger> GetBlockNumber()
Parameter | Description |
BigInteger | Returns a number of the latest block. |
Returns a current block number.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.Util;
using Nethereum.Web3;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
public class GetBlockNumberExample : MonoBehaviour
private IAnkrSDK _ankrSDKWrapper;
private void Start()
_ankrSDKWrapper = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("https://...");
public async void GetBalance()
var currentBlock = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockNumber();
Task<Transaction> GetTransaction(string transactionReceipt)
Parameter | Description |
transactionReceipt | A string containing a hash of transaction. |
Parameter | Description |
Transaction | Returns a transaction object. |
Returns a transaction matching the given transaction hash.
Code example
using System;
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class ContractExample : MonoBehaviour
private IContract _contract;
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_contract = ankrSDK.GetContract("0x...","...");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
public async void Call()
var transactionHash = await _contract.CallMethod("yourMethodName", Array.Empty<object>());
var trx = await _eth.GetTransaction(transactionHash);
Debug.Log($"Nonce: {trx.Nonce}");
Task<TransactionReceipt> GetTransactionReceipt(string transactionHash)
Parameter | Description |
transactionHash | A string containing a transaction's hash. |
Parameter | Description |
TransactionReceipt | A transaction receipt object. |
Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash. Method resolves when transaction will is mined.
How to get contract events from receipt
If contract method that you called emit event you can get it from TransactionReceipt on ReceiptReceived
stage. But first you need to create a DTO corresponding to contract event.
public void HandleReceipt(object sender, TransactionReceipt receipt)
var transferEventOutput = receipt.DecodeAllEvents<DTO>();
transferEventOutput[0].Event./// Get all data what you need
Code example
using System;
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class ContractExample : MonoBehaviour
private IContract _contract;
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_contract = ankrSDK.GetContract("0x...","...");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
public async void Call()
var successsStatus = 1;
var transactionHash = await _contract.CallMethod("yourMethodName", Array.Empty<object>());
var receipt = await _eth.GetTransactionReceipt(transactionHash);
if (receipt.Status.Value.Equals(successsStatus))
Debug.Log("Transaction was successful");
Debug.Log("Transaction has failed");
Task<BigInteger> GetTransactionCount(string hash)
Task<BigInteger> GetTransactionCount(BlockParameter block)
Parameter | Description |
hash | A string containing a block hash. |
block | A BlockParameter that can be either a number of blocks or the earliest , latest , or pending options. |
Parameter | Description |
BigInteger | A number of transactions in the given block. |
Gets a number of transactions on the given block.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
public class GetTransactionCountExample : MonoBehaviour
private IAnkrSDK _ankrSDKWrapper;
private void Start()
_ankrSDKWrapper = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("https://...");
public async void GetBalance()
var blockHash = "0x...";
ulong blockNumber = 99999;
var blockTransactionsCountByHash = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetTransactionCount(blockHash);
var latestBlockTransactionsCount = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetTransactionCount(BlockParameter.CreateLatest());
var blockTransactionsCountByNumber = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetTransactionCount(new BlockParameter(blockNumber));
Task<BlockWithTransactions> GetBlockWithTransactions(string hash)
Task<BlockWithTransactions> GetBlockWithTransactions(BlockParameter block)
Parameter | Description |
hash | A string containing a block's hash. |
Parameter | Description |
block | A BlockParameter that can be either a number of blocks or the earliest , latest , or pending options. |
Parameter | Description |
BlockWithTransactions | A block object containing transactions objects. |
Code sample
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
public class GetBlockWithTransactionsExample : MonoBehaviour
private IAnkrSDK _ankrSDKWrapper;
private void Start()
_ankrSDKWrapper = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("https://...");
public async void GetBalance()
var blockHash = "0x...";
ulong blockNumber = 99999;
var blockByHash = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactions(blockHash);
var latestBlock = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactions(BlockParameter.CreateLatest());
var blockByNumber = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactions(new BlockParameter(blockNumber));
Task<BlockWithTransactionHashes> GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(string hash)
Task<BlockWithTransactionHashes> GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(BlockParameter block)
Parameter | Description |
hash | A string containing the block hash. |
Parameter | Description |
block | A BlockParameter that can be either a number of blocks or the earliest , latest , or pending options. |
Parameter | Description |
BlockWithTransactionHashes | A block object containing transactions hashes. |
Returns a block matching a block number or block hash.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
public class GetBlockWithTransactionsHashesExample : MonoBehaviour
private IAnkrSDK _ankrSDKWrapper;
private void Start()
_ankrSDKWrapper = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("https://...");
public async void GetBalance()
var blockHash = "0x...";
ulong blockNumber = 99999;
var blockByHash = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(blockHash);
var latestBlock = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(BlockParameter.CreateLatest());
var blockByNumber = await _ankrSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(new BlockParameter(blockNumber));
EstimateGas 2
Task<HexBigInteger> EstimateGas(string from, string to, string data, string value, string gas, string gasPrice, string nonce)
Task<HexBigInteger> EstimateGas(TransactionInput transactionInput)
Parameter | Description |
from | An address for the sending account. |
to | The destination address of the message. |
data | String containing the data of the function call on a contract. (optional) |
value | The value transferred for the transaction in wei. (optional) |
gas | The maximum gas provided for this call “transaction” (gas limit). (optional) |
gasPrice | The gas price in wei to use for this call “transaction”. (optional) |
nonce | Integer of the nonce. This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce. (optional) |
Parameter | Description |
transactionInput | An object containing transaction parameters. |
Parameter | Description |
HexBigInteger | Returns the gas amount used for the simulated call/transaction. |
Executes a message call or transaction and returns the amount of the gas used.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public class EstimateGasExample : MonoBehaviour
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
public async UniTaskVoid EstimateGas()
var sender = "0x...";
var receiver = "0x...";
var value = "1"; // in Wei
var gas = await _eth.EstimateGas(sender, receiver, value: value);
Task<string> Sign(string messageToSign, string address)
Parameter | Description |
messageToSign | A message that has to be signed. |
address | An account address. |
Parameter | Description |
string | A string containing a signature. |
Signs the data using a specific account.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class SignExample : MonoBehaviour
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
public async void SignMessage()
var address = await _eth.GetDefaultAccount();
var message = "Hello world!";
var signature = await _eth.Sign(message, address);
Debug.Log($"Signature: {signature}");
Task<string> SendTransaction(string from, string to, string data, string value, string gas, string gasPrice, string nonce)
Parameter | Description |
from | The address for the sending account. |
to | The destination address of the message. |
data | String containing the data of the function call on a contract (optional). |
value | The value transferred for the transaction in wei (optional). |
gas | The maximum gas provided for this call “transaction” (gas limit) (optional). |
gasPrice | The gas price in wei to use for this call “transaction” (optional). |
nonce | An integer value of the nonce. Allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce. (optional) |
Parameter | Description |
string | Returns a 32 bytes transaction hash. |
Sends a transaction to the network.
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public class SendTransactionExample : MonoBehaviour
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
public async UniTaskVoid SendTransaction()
var sender = "0x...";
var receiver = "0x...";
var value = "1"; // in Wei
var trxHash = await _eth.SendTransaction(sender, receiver, value: value);
A class containing the method to interact with smart contracts.
Public methods
Method | Description |
CallMethod | Sends a transaction using your currently active session. Creates a transaction input with provided parameters. |
Web3SendMethod | Same as the previous function above but with the added benefit of being able to use a TransactionEventHandler to have access via these events to feedback during the transaction process. |
GetEvents | Gets all events from the contract that match the specified filter requirements. |
GetData | Gets data from non-payable contract methods, fields, and mappings. |
EstimateGas | Returns the estimated gas for calling a smart contract method with the given parameters. |
Task<string> CallMethod(string methodName, object[] arguments, string gas, string gasPrice, string nonce)
Parameter | Description |
methodName | A string containing a contract method name according to ABI. |
arguments | Arguments that take contract method according to ABI. |
gas | The maximum gas provided for this call “transaction” (gas limit). |
gasPrice | The gas price in WEI to use for this call “transaction”. |
nonce | A nonce number of the transaction. |
Parameter | Description |
string | A hash of the transaction. |
Use only for methods that change a smart contract state. To return a contract state, contract field, and mappings, use GetData. To find out more on the difference between contract methods, see Gas fees and gas-free methods.
Makes a call to the contract method, and returns a transaction hash when that call applies to work. This method is asynchronous.
How to speed up a transaction
If you'd like to speed up a call that has already been applied to work but still hasn't been mined, you need to do the following:
- Get a nonce of the mining transaction (using GetTransaction).
- Call the method with the same arguments but set the
to the value you've received in Step 1.
Code example
using System;
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class ContractExample : MonoBehaviour
private IContract _contract;
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_contract = ankrSDK.GetContract("0x...","...");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
public async void Call()
var transactionHash = await _contract.CallMethod("yourMethodName", Array.Empty<object>());
var trx = await _eth.GetTransaction(transactionHash);
Debug.Log($"Nonce: {trx.Nonce}");
Task Web3SendMethod(string methodName, object[] arguments, ITransactionEventHandler evController, string gas, string gasPrice, string nonce)
Parameter | Description |
methodName | A string containing a contract method name according to the ABI. |
arguments | Arguments that take contract method according to the ABI. |
evController | And implementation instance of the ITransactionEventHandler interface. |
gas | The maximum gas provided for this call “transaction” (gas limit). |
gasPrice | The gas price in WEI to use for this call “transaction”. |
nonce | A nonce number of a transaction. |
The method returns nothing specific, but instead it returns various values on various stages of a contract method execution:
Parameter | Description |
TransactionSendBegin | Returns TransactionInput. |
TransactionSendEnd | Returns TransactionInput. |
TransactionHashReceived | Returns a string . |
ErrorReceived | Returns an Exception . |
ReceiptReceived | Returns a TransactionReceipt. |
Use only for methods that change a smart contract state. Use GetData for methods that return contract state, contract field, and mappings. To get more about difference between contract method please read the article.
In contrast with CallMethod, this method provides the handlers for all the transaction lifecycle stages. To work with that method you need to implement the ITransactionEventHandler
interface. The following implementation works with EventHandler
to provide the most flexible experience to work with a transaction lifecycle.
using System;
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
public class TransactionEventDelegator : ITransactionEventHandler
public event EventHandler<TransactionInput> OnTransactionSendBegin;
public event EventHandler<TransactionInput> OnTransactionSendEnd;
public event EventHandler<string> OnTransactionHashReceived;
public event EventHandler<TransactionReceipt> OnReceiptReceived;
public event EventHandler<Exception> OnError;
public void TransactionSendBegin(TransactionInput transactionInput)
OnTransactionSendBegin?.Invoke(this, transactionInput);
public void TransactionSendEnd(TransactionInput transactionInput)
OnTransactionSendEnd?.Invoke(this, transactionInput);
public void TransactionHashReceived(string transactionHash)
OnTransactionHashReceived?.Invoke(this, transactionHash);
public void ErrorReceived(Exception exception)
OnError?.Invoke(this, exception);
public void ReceiptReceived(TransactionReceipt receipt)
OnReceiptReceived?.Invoke(this, receipt);
Let’s look at all the methods and how they relate to a transaction lifecycle:
is called before sending a transaction.TransactionSendEnd
is called when a transaction has been sent to an Ethereum node.TransactionHashReceived
is called when a transaction has been applied to mining.ErrorReceived
is called when a user or the Ethereum node has rejected a transaction.ReceiptReceived
is called when a transaction has been mined.
using System;
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.EventListenerExample;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using AnkrSDK.UseCases;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using UnityEngine;
public class ERC20Example : UseCase
private IContract _contract;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_contract = ankrSDK.GetContract("0x...","...");
public void SendMint()
var evController = new TransactionEventDelegator();
evController.OnTransactionSendBegin += HandleSending;
evController.OnTransactionSendEnd += HandleSent;
evController.OnTransactionHashReceived += HandleTransactionHash;
evController.OnReceiptReceived += HandleReceipt;
evController.OnError += HandleError;
_contract.Web3SendMethod("yourMethodName", Array.Empty<object>(), evController);
private static void HandleSent(object sender, TransactionInput transaction)
Debug.Log("Transaction sent");
private static void HandleSending(object sender, TransactionInput transaction)
Debug.Log("Transaction is sending");
private static void HandleTransactionHash(object sender, string transactionHash)
Debug.Log($"TransactionHash: {transactionHash}");
private static void HandleError(object sender, Exception exception)
Debug.LogError("Error: " + exception.Message);
private static void HandleReceipt(object sender, TransactionReceipt receipt)
Debug.Log("Receipt: " + receipt.Status);
To find out more on getting a transaction status or event, take a look at GetTransactionReceipt.
Can't receive a receipt?
Pay attention to the gas you use for a transaction. If your gas value will be lover than the average in a network, then the time to mine a transaction can be undetermined. If you are not sure if you're using enough gas:
- Add an event emitting to the contract method.
- Use subscribe to events.
Task<List<EventLog<TEvDto>>> GetEvents<TEvDto>(EventFilterRequest<TEvDto> evFilter)
Task<List<EventLog<TEvDto>>> GetEvents<TEvDto>(EventFilterData evFilter)
Parameter | Description |
evFilter | An object containing an event request. |
Parameter | Description |
List<EventLog<TEvDto>> | Returns all the events complying with the request. |
Gets a contract's past events.
Find out more on events and events requests in Events and subscriptions.
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Data;
using AnkrSDK.DTO;
using AnkrSDK.Examples.ERC20Example;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using AnkrSDK.UseCases;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using UnityEngine;
public class ContractExample : MonoBehaviour
private IContract _contract;
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_contract = ankrSDK.GetContract("0x...","...");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
public async UniTaskVoid GetEvents()
var filtersRequest = new EventFilterRequest<TransferEventDTO>
FromBlock = BlockParameter.CreateEarliest(),
ToBlock = BlockParameter.CreateLatest()
filtersRequest.AddTopic("To", await _eth.GetDefaultAccount());
var events = await _contract.GetEvents(filtersRequest);
foreach (var ev in events)
Task<TReturnType> GetData<TFieldData, TReturnType>(TFieldData requestData)
Parameter | Description |
requestData | An object containing the arguments that take the contract method. |
Parameter | Description |
TReturnType | Data from a contract's method, field, or mapping. |
Use only for methods that return data, contract fields, and mappings. To change a contract state, use CallMethod or Web3SendMethod. To find out more on the difference between contract methods please, have a look at Gas fees and gas-free methods.
The method allows getting contract states from the contract methods, fields, and mappings.
To make data request you need to prepare TFieldData
DTO to make request objects with arguments that take the contract method. When you request data from the contract field, you don’t need to make any fields in that DTO.
Let’s take a look at how the contract method corresponds to the TFieldData
DTO. As an example method, let's take a look at balanceOf
from the ERC721 contract.
function balanceOf(address owner) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
The function name is balanceOf
, it takes the owner
argument of the address
type, and returns a uint256
The same information you can get from the ABI:
"constant": true,
"inputs": [
"internalType": "address",
"name": "owner",
"type": "address"
"name": "balanceOf",
"outputs": [
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "",
"type": "uint256"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
Then the DTO will look as follows:
using Nethereum.ABI.FunctionEncoding.Attributes;
using Nethereum.Contracts;
[Function("balanceOf", "uint256")]
public class BalanceOfMessage : FunctionMessage
[Parameter("address", "_owner", 1)]
public string Owner { get; set; }
Pay attention that DTO should extend FunctionMessage.
To find out more information on how to convert Solidity types to C# types, take a look at C# and Solidity comparison.
When a TFieldData
DTO is prepared, we can request data.
using System.Numerics;
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Data.ContractMessages.ERC721;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public class ContractExample : MonoBehaviour
private IContract _contract;
private IEthHandler _eth;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_contract = ankrSDK.GetContract("0x...", "...");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
public async UniTaskVoid GetBalance()
var balanceOfMessage = new BalanceOfMessage
Owner = await _eth.GetDefaultAccount()
var balance = await _contract.GetData<BalanceOfMessage, BigInteger>(balanceOfMessage);
Debug.Log($"Balance: {balance}");
UniTask<HexBigInteger> EstimateGas(string methodName, object[] arguments, string gas, string gasPrice, string nonce)
Parameter | Description |
methodName | A string with contract method name according to ABI. |
arguments | Arguments that take contract method according to ABI. |
gas | The maximum gas provided for this call “transaction” (gas limit). |
gasPrice | The gas price in wei to use for this call “transaction”. |
nonce | The nonce number of a transaction. |
Parameter | Description |
HexBigInteger | A gas estimation for a transaction. |
Use only for the contract methods that change a smart contract state. To find out more on the difference between the contract methods, have a look at Gas fee and gas-free methods.
Requests a gas estimation for a contract method call.
Code example
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using AnkrSDK.UseCases;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public class ContractExample : MonoBehaviour
private IContract _contract;
private void Start()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("http://...");
_contract = ankrSDK.GetContract("0x...", "...");
public async UniTaskVoid CallMint()
var method = "yourMethodName";
var arguments = Array.Empty<object>();
var additionalGas = 100;
var gasEstimation = await _contract.EstimateGas(method, arguments);
var gas = gasEstimation.Value + new BigInteger(additionalGas);
var receipt = await _contract.CallMethod(method, arguments, gas: gas.ToString());
Debug.Log($"Receipt: {receipt}");
A class contains methods for making real-time subscriptions for contracts' events.
Component | Description |
ContractEventSubscriber | Constructs a new ContractEventSubscriber. |
Parameter | Description |
RequestHeaders | A dictionary of specific headers. |
Event | Description |
OnOpenHandler | Fires when a connection to a node opens |
OnErrorHandler | Fires when a connection fails. |
OnCloseHandler | Fires when a connection closes. |
Public methods
Method | Description |
Subscribe | Subscribes to an event with the given parameters. |
ListenForEvents | Opens a connection to a node and starts listening for events. |
Unsubscribe | Unsubscribes from events by a subscription ID. |
StopListen | Closes a connection to a node. |
Code example
using AnkrSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using AnkrSDK.Data;
using AnkrSDK.DTO;
using AnkrSDK.Examples.ERC20Example;
using AnkrSDK.Provider;
using AnkrSDK.UseCases;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AnkrSDK.EventListenerExample
public class EventListenerExample : UseCase
private IContractEventSubscriber _eventSubscriber;
private IContractEventSubscription _subscription;
private IEthHandler _eth;
public override void ActivateUseCase()
var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance("https://");
_eth = ankrSDK.Eth;
_eventSubscriber = ankrSDK.CreateSubscriber("wss://");
_eventSubscriber.OnOpenHandler += UniTask.Action(SubscribeWithRequest);
// If you know topic position then you can use EventFilterData
public async UniTaskVoid SubscribeWithTopics()
var filters = new EventFilterData
FilterTopic2 = new object[] { await _eth.GetDefaultAccount() }
_subscription = await _eventSubscriber.Subscribe(
(TransferEventDTO t) => ReceiveEvent(t)
// If you know only topic name then you can use EventFilterRequest
public async UniTaskVoid SubscribeWithRequest()
var filtersRequest = new EventFilterRequest<TransferEventDTO>();
filtersRequest.AddTopic("To", await _eth.GetDefaultAccount());
_subscription = await _eventSubscriber.Subscribe(
private void ReceiveEvent(TransferEventDTO contractEvent)
Debug.Log($"{contractEvent.From} - {contractEvent.To} - {contractEvent.Value}");
public void Unsubscribe()
public override void DeActivateUseCase()
ContractEventSubscriber(string wsUrl)
Parameter | Description |
wsUrl | A string containing a WebSocket RPC endpoint. |
UniTask<IContractEventSubscription> Subscribe<TEventType>(EventFilterData evFilter, string contractAddress, Action<TEventType> handler)
UniTask<IContractEventSubscription> Subscribe<TEventType>(EventFilterRequest<TEventType> evFilter, string contractAddress, Action<TEventType> handler)
Parameter | Description |
evFilter | An object containing request parameters. |
contractAddress | An address of the contract that emits events. |
handler | An action that handles received events. |
Parameter | Description |
IContractEventSubscription | A subscription object. |
Subscribes to events with specific request parameters. Use it only to subscribe for events emitted after a subscription start, the method doesn’t return past events.
To find out more info on events and subscriptions, have a look at Events and subscriptions.
Code example
var filtersRequest = new EventFilterRequest<TransferEventDTO>();
filtersRequest.AddTopic("To", await _eth.GetDefaultAccount());
var subscription = await _eventSubscriber.Subscribe(
contractEvent => Debug.Log($"{contractEvent.From} - {contractEvent.To} - {contractEvent.Value}")
The full code example lives here.
UniTask ListenForEvents()
Connects to a given endpoint and starts listening for events.
UniTask Unsubscribe(string subscriptionId)
Parameter | Description |
subscriptionId | An identifier of a subscription. |
Unsubscribes from the events with a given identifier.
Code example
var filtersRequest = new EventFilterRequest<TransferEventDTO>();
filtersRequest.AddTopic("To", await _eth.GetDefaultAccount());
var subscription = await _eventSubscriber.Subscribe(
contractEvent => Debug.Log($"{contractEvent.From} - {contractEvent.To} - {contractEvent.Value}")
await _eventSubscriber.Unsubscribe(subscription.SubscriptionId);
void StopListen()
Closes a WebSocket connection, unsubscribes from all subscriptions.