• Ankr Gaming
  • Unity SDK
  • Interacting with Blockchain
  • Available Interfaces

Available interfaces


IContract GetContract(string contractAddress, string contractABI);

Returns newly created Contract wrapper, using the provided address and ABI.


You have to provide everything listed under your contract definition's abi section.

abi section

IEthHandler Eth { get; }

Gets the IEthHandler instance created by the AnkrSDK instance.

INetworkHelper NetworkHelper { get; }

Get the INetworkHelper instance created by the AnkrSDK instance.

IContractEventSubscriber CreateSubscriber(string wsUrl);

Creates a subscriber for your contract events.


wsUrl — WebSocket URL which we will connect to listen to contract events.


The usual flow is:

  1. Initialise WalletConnect Session using the WalletConnect.cs script.
    1. Attach it on your GameObject or use a Prefab.
    2. Wait until WalletConnect establishes a connection to the blockchain bridge.
  2. Use the static method below to create a new AnkrSDK Instance: AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance(string ProviderURL);
  3. Create and cache Contract by using IAnkrSDK initialized instance and its method below: IContract GetContract(string contractAddress, string contractABI);
  4. Use a contract for your needs.


Here is an example that includes initializing AnkrSDK, setting up a contract, and caching the connected account:

private IContract _gameItemContract;
private string _activeSessionAccount;

public void Init()
	var sdkWrapper = AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance(WearableNFTContractInformation.ProviderURL);

	_gameItemContract = sdkWrapper.GetContract(WearableNFTContractInformation.GameItemContractAddress,
private async UniTaskVoid ActivateAsync(IAnkrSDK ankrSDK)
	var result = await ankrSDK.Eth.GetDefaultAccount();
	_activeSessionAccount = result;


Task<string> GetDefaultAccount();

Returns the address of the account currently logged in via the third-party wallet.

Task<TransactionReceipt> GetTransactionReceipt(string transactionHash);

Returns a TransactionReceipt for the given transactionHash.

Task<Transaction> GetTransaction(string transactionReceipt);

Returns a Transaction for the given transactionReceipt.

Task<HexBigInteger> EstimateGas(TransactionInput transactionInput);

Returns the estimated gas cost from the given transactionInput.

Task<HexBigInteger> EstimateGas(string from, string to, string data = null, string value = null, string gas = null, string gasPrice = null, string nonce = null);

Returns the estimated gas cost from the given parameters.

Task<string> Sign(string messageToSign, string address);

Requests the address to sign the message passed in messageToSign.

Task<string> SendTransaction(string from, string to, string data = null, string value = null, string gas = null, string gasPrice = null, string nonce = null);

Sends a transaction from the given parameters. This function is used in the Contract script in both CallMethod and Web3SendMethod.


Task<string> CallMethod(string methodName, object[] arguments = null, string gas = null, string gasPrice = null, string nonce = null);

Sends a transaction using your currently active WalletConnect session. Creates a transaction input with provided parameters. You can specify the maximum of gas that can be used for this transaction.

Task Web3SendMethod(string methodName, object[] arguments, ITransactionEventHandler evController = null, string gas = null, string gasPrice = null, string nonce = null);

Same as the previous function above but with the added benefit of being able to use a TransactionEventHandler to have access via these events to feedback during the transaction process.

Task<List<EventLog<TEvDto>>> GetEvents<TEvDto>(EventFilterData evFilter = null) where TEvDto : IEventDTO, new();

Gets all events from your contract that match the specified filter requirements.


evFilter — create an event filter to be able to specify the topics and required blocks for events. You can specify FromBlock or ToBlock. Topics are provided manually; you can specify up to 3 topics.

Task<List<EventLog<TEvDto>>> GetEvents<TEvDto>(EventFilterRequest<TEvDto> evFilter = null) where TEvDto : IEventDTO, new();

Gets all events from your contract that match the specified filter requirements.

evFilter — create an event filter to be able to specify the topics and required blocks for events. You can specify FromBlock or ToBlock. Topics are extracted from EventDTO — data class with Event and Parameter attributes.

Task<TReturnType> GetData<TFieldData, TReturnType>(TFieldData requestData = null) where TFieldData : FunctionMessage, new();

Gets data from your contract (functions labeled as View).


Here is an example of getting the balance :

public async void GetBalance()
	var balanceOfMessage = new BalanceOfMessage
		Owner = WalletConnect.ActiveSession.Accounts[0]
	var balance = await _erc721Contract.GetData<BalanceOfMessage, BigInteger>(balanceOfMessage);
	Debug.Log($"Balance: {balance}");

UniTask<HexBigInteger> EstimateGas(string methodName, object[] arguments = null, string gas = null, string gasPrice = null, string nonce = null);

Returns the estimated gas cost for calling a smart contract method with the given parameters.


Contract event subscription provides a list of events that you can listen to:

  1. event Action OnOpenHandler; — event occuring On Socket Open.
  2. event Action<string> OnErrorHandler; — event occuring if there was an error with the socket connection. After this event the socket is closed.
  3. event Action<WebSocketCloseCode> OnCloseHandler; — event occuring if the socket is closed.

UniTask ListenForEvents();

Establishes a socket connection to wsUrl provided during the event subscriber creation.

void StopListen();

Closes the connection and clears all the subscriptions.

UniTask<IContractEventSubscription> Subscribe<TEventType>(EventFilterData evFilter, string contractAddress, Action<TEventType> handler) where TEventType : IEventDTO, new();

Subscribes to a new event.


EventFilterData — topics specified by you.


This is an async operation, as it is required to receive a response about the subscription.

UniTask<IContractEventSubscription> Subscribe<TEventType>(EventFilterRequest<TEventType> evFilter, string contractAddress, Action<TEventType> handler) where TEventType : IEventDTO, new();

Subscribes to a new event.


EventFilterRequest — automatically assembles topic from EventDTO.


This is an async operation, as it is required to receive a response about the subscription.

UniTask Unsubscribe(string subscriptionId);

Sends a request to unsubscribe from an event by subscriptionId.


Task AddAndSwitchNetwork(EthereumNetwork network);

Calls MetaMask and:

  1. Adds the network to the available networks on MetaMask if it is not there yet.
  2. Asks the user to click to switch to the network.
Last updated on September 12, 2022