• Ankr Gaming
  • Unity SDK
  • Getting Started
  • Connect Wallet

Connect wallet and authenticate

Connecting to a Web3 wallet such as MetaMask via WalletConnect provides a link between a Wallet Address and a user's Game Account.

There are two ways to get a Session Key from your wallet.

  • Connect via QRCode when building Desktop-based applications. Usually, it's the option used for the Standalone option (Linux, Windows, macOS machine) when the user cannot get access to their wallet directly on their machine; they have to generate a QR code and scan it with a mobile app to open a wallet there.
  • Connect via WalletConnect.Instance.OpenMobileWallet when building mobile-based applications. Usually, it's the option used for a iOS/Android device with an installed wallet app.

Both of these methods generate a linking url that creates a request in a MetaMask wallet to connect.

Connect via QRCode

Connecting a wallet via QRCode involves the following steps:

  1. Creating and caching a smart contract.
  2. Connecting a wallet via QRCode.
  3. Accepting connection.
  4. Creating an instance of AnkrSDKWrapper.

1. Create and cache a smart contract

Before you start connecting a wallet, you need to initialize a session, create an AnkrSDK instance, and create a cache a contract — all that to be able to connect a wallet in the first place.

  1. Initialise a WalletConnect Session using WalletConnect.cs script.
    1. Attach it on your GameObject or use a Prefab.
    2. Wait until WalletConnect establishes a connection to the blockchain bridge. By default, the connection is made on Start but that can be changed in editor as shown in the picture below. abi section
  2. Use the static method below to create a new AnkrSDK Instance. AnkrSDKFactory.GetAnkrSDKInstance(string ProviderURL);
  3. Create and cache Contract by using IAnkrSDK initialized instance. IContract GetContract(string contractAddress, string contractABI);

Now you can interact with the created contract via GetData() and CallMethod(). Read more about interacting with a smart contact.

2. Connect a wallet via QRCode

  1. To connect with QRCode, use a QRCodeImage component. This component already comes with a QRCode generator and a function that handles everything.

  2. Call UpdateQRCode(string url) by giving it a URL. You can then use .SetImageActive(bool) to activate/deactivate the QRCode.

Here is the way it is implemented in our Examples. We get the ConnectURL from a walletconnect Instance. Then we generate the QRCode from it and activate the QRCode's image so it can be scanned:

var connectURL = WalletConnect.Instance.ConnectURL;

This QRCode should be scanned from you MetaMask mobile app. (It asks you to connect the same way you would with the non QRCode version).

At this point, you are connected and any transactions that require the user signing a message will pop up in their MetaMask app on their phone.


Occasionally, the MetaMask mobile app does not pop up by itself. Should this be case, open the app manually.

3. Accept connection

If you agree to connect, a Session Key is saved in PlayerPrefs for future use.

4. Create an instance of AnkrSDKWrapper

Create an instance of a AnkrSDKWrapper class via AnkrSDKWrapper.GetSDKInstance() method after successful connection to your wallet.

var ankrSdk = AnkrSDKWrapper.GetSDKInstance("<ethereum node url>");

Inside (AnkrSDK/Examples/UseCases/LinkingAccountWallet) is an example script demonstrating how to link a Web3 wallet (Metamask) to a player account.

Reference example of connecting a wallet to an account

This is an example from the SDK on how to link a Web3 wallet to a player account.

  1. To connect a wallet, first make an instance of a Web3 class and call Initialize method after login in MetaMask

    string provider_url = "<ethereum node url>";
    Web3 web3 = new Web3(provider_url);
  2. To prove ownership of the wallet address, the player should sign an arbitrary string > zero length. We recommend using uuid strings. The Web3 Wallet provides the sign functionality. To start this step call method Sign.

    string message = "Hi I am a message !"
    string signature = await web3.Sign(message); //returns the signature.
  3. The next step involves the backend serverside. You can view an example script here. It returns a signature if authentication is successful. Below is an extract from this script:

    package main
    import (
        cryptoTyped "github.com/ethersphere/bee/pkg/crypto"
        eip712 "github.com/ethersphere/bee/pkg/crypto/eip712"
    // Endpoint for evm rpc requests
    var ankr = "https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_rinkeby"
    var client, clientConnectErr = ethclient.Dial(ankr)
    // Simple ERC721 contract with methods to update nft fields and signature verification mechanism
    // For this demo use contract in "contracts/GameItem.sol"
    var contractAccount = "0x159D0A933137f3EC155f43834BDFCd534A8bfd61"
    // Private key should belong to account that deployed contract
    var privateKeyString = "a0022ef0d495da2ad7e639f9d93045661f149f31472cedf067a0712b391749df"
    // Private key on the server side For GD-3 (use case 8)
    var privateKey, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA(privateKeyString)
    // user's address associated with the hero id
    var clientAddress = common.HexToAddress("0x24d13b65bAbFc38f6eCA86D9e73C539a1e0C0196")
  4. To verify the user make a call using the method POST /account/verification/address with the payload i.e. returned signature

    "message": "Hi I am a message !", // your message
    "signature":"0x..." // result of Web3.Sign()
  5. This method gets the address of the user from the signature so you can write it to database.

    sigPublicKey := getAddrFromSign(input.Signature, data)
    address := string(sigPublicKey);
    // add address to a database
Last updated on September 12, 2022