• App Chains
  • Affiliated Chains
  • BNB Sidechain
  • How to
  • Launch BNB Sidechain

Launch BNB Sidechain


Set up and run a BNB Sidechain instance using the devnet repo. Before running an instance you must do following:

  • Ensure you have a dedicated machine that have at least 8 dedicated CPU core and 32GB RAM, as it needs to run 7 nodes.
  • Make sure you have a wildcard domain *.example.com set to your machine (use a dedicated machine with a public IP).
  • Modify the config.json file to update parameters as you need (you can find all addresses in the keystore folder).

config.json parameters

The config file structure is:

  • chainId — identifier of your chain in BNB Sidechain.
  • validators — list of initial validator set (make sure that you have the same list in docker compose file).
  • systemTreasury — address of system treasury that accumulates 1/16 of rewards (might be governance).
    • consensusParams — parameters for the consensus and staking.
    • activeValidatorsLength — suggested values are (3k+1, where k is honest validators, even better): 7, 13, 19, 25, 31...
    • epochBlockInterval — length of an epoch, specified in blocks; recommmended length is 1 day (86400/3=28800, where 3s is block time).
    • misdemeanorThreshold — after missing this amount of blocks per day validator losses all daily rewards (penalty).
    • felonyThreshold — after missing this amount of blocks per day validator goes in jail for N epochs.
    • validatorJailEpochLength — how many epochs validator should stay in jail (7 epochs = ~7 days).
    • undelegatePeriod — allow claiming funds only after 6 epochs (~7 days).
    • minValidatorStakeAmount — how many tokens validator must stake to create a validator (in ETH).
    • minStakingAmount — minimum staking amount for delegators (in ETH).
  • initialStakes — initial stakes fot the validators (must match with validators list).
  • votingPeriod — default voting period for the governance proposals.
  • faucet — map with initial balances for faucet and other needs.

You can easily customize parameters of the genesis config file via Genesis Configurator.

For the rest of the sidechain's codebase, see the list of available BNB Sidechain repos.


You have two launching options:

  • Default option
  • Without a balance loader and SSL certificates

Default option

You can check the Makefile to choose more interesting commands, but if you just need to set up everything, just run:

apt update
apt install build-essential socat
git clone https://github.com/Ankr-network/bas-devnet-setup bas --recursive
cd bas
DOMAIN_NAME=dev-02.bas.ankr.com make all

The variable DOMAIN_NAME should be set to your domain.

Deployed services can be access though next endpoints:

Without a balance loader and SSL certificates

If you want to run a node without a load balancer and SSL certificates, run:

make all-no-balancer

Exposed ports

Docker Compose files expose next ports:

  • 7432 - Blockscout PostgreSQL database
  • 4000 - Blockscout Explorer
  • 3000 - Faucet UI
  • 3001 - Staking UI
  • 8545 - RPC endpoint
  • 8546 - WS endpoint
  • 30303 - Bootnode