• Ankr Build
  • Products
  • Advanced APIs/SDKs
  • Multichain JS SDK

Ankr's JavaScript SDK

This SDK contains a compact JavaScript library to enable you interact with Ankr's Advanced API.

Get started

  1. Install the latest package stored on npm.

    # with npm
    npm install @ankr.com/ankr.js
    # with yarn
    yarn add @ankr.com/ankr.js
  2. Initialize the provider.

    import AnkrProvider from '@ankr.com/ankr.js';
    const provider = new AnkrProvider('');
    // or if you have a premium account
    const provider = new AnkrProvider('YOUR_API_KEY');
  3. Use the provider to call either of the supported methods.

    await provider.getNFTsByOwner({
      blockchain: 'eth',
      walletAddress: '0x0E11A192d574b342C51be9e306694C41547185DD',

Chains supported

ankr.js supports interaction with the following chains using their aliases:

  • Ethereum: eth
  • BSC: bsc
  • Polygon: polygon
  • Fantom: fantom
  • Arbitrum: arbitrum
  • Avalanche: avalanche
  • Syscoin NEVM: syscoin

Methods available


Gets the logs matching the filter indicated.

const logs = async () => {
  return await provider.getLogs({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    fromBlock: 1181739,
    toBlock: 1181739,
    topics: [
    address: '0x3589d05a1ec4af9f65b0e5554e645707775ee43c',
    decodeLogs: false,


Gets the data on the blocks within the indicated range.

const blocks = async () => {
  return await provider.getBlocks({
    blockchain: 'bsc',
    fromBlock: 100,
    toBlock: 200,


Gets transaction details for a transaction specified by hash.

const transactions = async () => {
  return await provider.getTransactionsByHash({
    decodeTxData: true,


Gets the coin and token balances of a wallet specified.

const balances = async () => {
  return await provider.getAccountBalance({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    walletAddress: '0xfa9019df60d3c710d7d583b2d69e18d412257617',


Gets the data on all the NFTs (collectibles) owned by the indicated wallet.

const nfts = async () => {
  return await provider.getNFTsByOwner({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    walletAddress: '0x0E11A192d574b342C51be9e306694C41547185DD',
    filter: [
      { '0x700b4b9f39bb1faf5d0d16a20488f2733550bff4': [] },
      { '0xd8682bfa6918b0174f287b888e765b9a1b4dc9c3': ['8937'] },


Gets the list of token holders for a given contract address.

const tokenHolders = async () => {
  return await provider.getTokenHolders({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    contractAddress: '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7',


Gets current and historical data on the number of token holders for a given contract address.

const tokenHoldersCount = async () => {
  return await provider.getTokenHoldersCount({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    contractAddress: '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7',


Gets a list of supported currencies for a given blockchain.

const currencies = async () => {
  return await provider.getCurrencies({ blockchain: 'fantom' });


Gets metadata of a given NFT.