• Ankr Gaming
  • Unity SDK
  • How to
  • Subscribe to Events

How to subscribe to events in Unity SDK

This section walks you through how to subscribe and listen to events as a real-time stream associated with your smart contract. Events connect your smart contract with your user interface so it can be processed.

You will learn the following:

  1. Understanding Events
  2. How to prepare a DTO for request events
  3. How to request past events
  4. How to subscribe to new events

When events in a contract are called, the arguments are stored in the transaction's log. These logs are associated with the address of the contract. They remain associated with the address of the contract on the blockchain for as long as a block is accessible.

Solidity events give an abstraction on top of the EVM’s logging functionality. Applications can subscribe and listen to these events through the RPC interface of an Ethereum client.

Understanding Events

Before we proceed to the steps, let's understand what Events are.

The structure of an Event

Let's look at a simple event Transfer from the ERC-20 standard.

event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

The name of the event is Transfer and there are three parameters separated by commas:

address indexed from - This is the originating address address indexed to - This is the destination address uint256 value - This is the amount of a positive integer of 256 bits in size.

The fact that the addresses are indexed means that they are searchable.

What is an Event?

Smart contracts emit Events inside methods. An Event can be likened to a record in a database. This record can be indexed and is searchable. Events are also linked to the block during which they were emitted.


The EVM restricts the number of indexed fields to three, however the Event itself can have any number of fields.

emit Transfer(from, to, amount);

So now we understand what Events are.

How to prepare a DTO for request events

  1. First we need to create a class extended from EventDTOBase. Add the same fields as for the Event itself.


    Naming Class fields:

    We recommend naming your class fields with the same names as the props of the Event in the contract

  2. Add the attribute Event to the class with the same name as the Event in the contract e.g. TransferEventDTO.

  3. Add the attribute Parameter for every field in the class and pass the types of Event props e.g. specify the type and name of the Event prop, the order of the prop in the event and whether the prop is indexed or not as a boolean.

    public ParameterAttribute(string type, string name, int order, bool indexed = false)

    Make sure you use compatible field types for types of Event props.

    public class TransferEventDTO : EventDTOBase
        [Parameter("address", "from", 1, true)]
        public string From { get; set; }
        [Parameter("address", "to", 2, true)]
        public string To { get; set; }
        [Parameter("uint256", "value", 3, false)]
        public BigInteger Value { get; set; }

Pay attention to the use of compatible field types for the type of Event props.

Type in C#Type in Solidity
BigIntegeruint8 to uint256
byte[]bytes, bytes1 to bytes32

Understanding requests for events

So before we continue, let's see what requests to an Ethereum node look like and what the limitation on requests are:

  • fromBlock - This is the block from which to start searching from (it can be a specific number as well as key words like latest, earliest, pending );

  • toBlock - This is the block that we search up to. (The value can be the same as fromBlock);

  • topic1 - values that are relevant to the first indexing of event props e.g. from address.

  • topic2 - values that are relevant to the second indexing of event props. e.g. to address.

  • topic3 - values that are relevant to the third indexing of event props e.g. value.


What are Topics?

Topics are an array of values that describe what's going on in an event.

The order is important, if you want to leave topics out use null, e.g. [null, '0x00...'].

You can pass another array for each topic with options for that topic e.g. [null, ['option1', 'option2']].

All values of the array are logically connected using OR operator (example 'option1' OR 'option2' OR 'option3')

So if we return to our example Event Transfer.

Let's say we want to find all the events (or transfers) from the genesis block until the last block with the to address equal to our address.

This is how we create the object.

var filters = new EventFilterData
	fromBlock = BlockParameter.CreateEarliest(),
	toBlock = BlockParameter.CreateLatest(),
	filterTopic2 = new[] { EthHandler.DefaultAccount }

Why do we use filterTopic2? Because the to address prop has second position in Event props and we want to filter by the to address.

If you don’t want to think about the position of props, you can use the class EventFilterRequest to get the same results.

var filtersRequest = new EventFilterRequest<TransferEventDTO>();
// topic name is Event prop name
filtersRequest.AddTopic("To", EthHandler.DefaultAccount);
// topic name is event DTO field name
filtersRequest.AddTopic("to", "0x...");

To add a topic, use an Event prop name that is the same as the Event DTO field name.

You can add unlimited values for a single topic and your request will use all values separated by the OR operator.

In SQL terms our last request looks like this:

FROM Transfer
  fromBlock = 'earliest' &
  toBlock = 'latest' &
  'to' IN (EthHandler.DefaultAccount, "0x...")

So how do we send the request?

How to request past events

To get past events you need to instantiate class Contract and call method GetEvents

var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKWrapper.GetSDKInstance("http://...");
_erc20Contract = ankrSDK.GetContract("0x..", "{...}");
var events = await _erc20Contract.GetEvents<TransferEventDTO>(filtersRequest);

To see a full example see game-unity-sdk/ERC20Example.cs

How to subscribe to new events

As well as past events, we can also subscribe to get real-time events immediately after they emit.



This requires setting up a websocket connection. If you are using Ankr RPCs, you should sign up for the Premium Plan to get a private websocket (wss) endpoint.

Simply, instantiate the subscription as in the following example:

var ankrSDK = AnkrSDKWrapper.GetSDKInstance("https://...");
var _eventSubscriber = ankrSDK.CreateSubscriber("wss://...");

You do not need to set the parameters fromBlock and toBlock because you will receive all events from the block until you unsubscribe.

var filtersRequest = new EventFilterRequest<TransferEventDTO>();
filtersRequest.AddTopic("To", EthHandler.DefaultAccount);

And make a subscription

var _subscription = await _eventSubscriber.Subscribe(
  (TransferEventDTO t) => ReceiveEvent(t)

For a full example checkout EventListenerExample.cs